From our friends at the AFA.
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.
Fed up with the extremely bias reporting on the presidential campaign by ABC, NBC and CBS? Do something about it!
Take The Viewers' Pledge! Our goal is one million pledges.
October 1, 2008
Dear Chris,
Are you tired of the extremely bias reporting by ABC, NBC and CBS? Do something about it! Tell the networks you are fed up with their attack on conservatives. Join other Americans who are tired of these networks promoting Barack Obama and attacking Sarah Palin. Take the pledge to not watch ABC, NBC or CBS until after the November elections! When the networks lose viewers, they also lose money. If viewers aren’t watching their promotion of Barack Obama and their trashing of Sarah Palin, they are losing money!
Send a message! We are sick and tired of your bias reporting, and we are not going to watch it anymore!
We will keep you informed on the progress of The Viewers’ Pledge.
Results will be given to ABC, NBC, and CBS.
The Viewers Pledge’ simply states, "I pledge not to watch any news programs on ABC, NBC and CBS until after the November elections."
Take the Pledge Now!
Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends.
Donald E. Wildmon,
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association
I am always laughing at anyone who thinks they can make an impact by boycotting (Bill O'Reilly's hilarious call to boycott France in 2002) without significant numbers. This AFA boycott will have little impact thankfully. Its not like those days of segregation in the south, where blacks boycotted the buses successfully. You know why? its cause they had numbers. Idiots who think they can hurt the French economy by not buying French wine or cheese (the same idiots who call French fries "freedom fries"), or turning off the TV (meaningless unless they are Nielsen metered homes) are living in a delusion.
So when a small band of fundamentalist Christians think they can move the needle on the big three you gotta laugh. I am reminded with each new email, why I signed my name to the AFA "alerts" - for some good morning entertainment. And also so I can be quick to debunk it when confronted with the "Obama is a Muslim" malarkey. (notice the grammar errors dotted throughout the email heh heh.)
I am a bit angry with this group because of the opening plea:
"Please help us get this information into the hands of as many people as possible by forwarding it to your entire e-mail list of family and friends."
No we do not want any more bloody stupid email forwards thank you.
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