Fox's 'Family Guy' goes too far; file a complaint with the FCC
File an official complaint with the FCC against the FOX network and your local FOX affiliate station.
March 25, 2009
Dear Chris,
On March 8, Fox network aired Family Guy, a perverted and sickening program, into the homes of millions of Americans. This episode was rated TV-14 DLSV by FOX, meaning that in the network's opinion it was appropriate for 14-year olds. It aired during prime-time.
The content of this program was so explicit that I can't even begin to describe it here.
Click here to watch these scenes or read our detailed review. WARNING: These scenes taken from the Fox program Family Guy are highly offensive.
The review:
The following information is offensive! It is offered as informational evidence of the sickening material broadcast on FOX Network.
The March 8 episode of Family Guy, a disgusting cartoon that airs Sunday nights on Fox network, condoned bestiality, gay orgies and babies eating sperm.
In this perverted episode:
* Peter, the husband/father figure, turns gay after taking an experimental shot of the gay gene. He was paid $125 to take part of this experiment to prove that being gay is not a choice.
* Peter and his new lover make out in a restaurant.
* The lover tells Peter he has arranged an 11-way gay orgy.
* Peter helps his son with his math homework and turns the problem into an explicit conversation about “glory holes” and “circuit parties,” which are references to gay sex.
* Peter leaves his son Chris in charge of the family while he spends time with his gay partner. Upon his new role, Chris immediately passes gas in his sister’s face and knocks out his mother, Lois.
* Peter lies in bed with his rear exposed and moans in pleasure when a horse, which he assumes is his wife, licks his rear.
* Lois, wearing skimpy lingerie, is turned down by her now gay husband.
* Their child, Baby Stewie, eats cereal covered with horse sperm that resembled milk kept in the refrigerator.
Back to the "sound the alarm" email I got haha:
Even more offensive is Fox's view of Christianity. At a "straight" meeting, the speaker talks to gays about Jesus and tells them, "He [Jesus] hates many people, but none more than homosexuals." Incidentally, Pepsico helped sponsor this program (BoycottPepsico.com.
You really cannot get the full effect of the show's portrayal of Christianity without watching the video or reading our review. You will hear the tone and sarcasm very clearly.
The FCC has a duty to enforce the law and fine Fox for this sickening violation of broadcast decency standards. In addition, your local FOX network affiliate did not have to air this episode. Obviously, they do not care about your local community standards.
Take Action!
File an official complaint with the FCC against the Fox network and your local FOX affiliate station. It will only take a couple of minutes. Do it for your children and grandchildren.
They leave a link for watching the video too. I haven't seen it. I don't watch the show and don't really care about it. But I do know that it is hugely popular. Also, "boycotting" this is only going to make the show more popular. Complaining about toilet humor is one thing but I laugh out loud when organizations like this make it their sole agenda to combat every instance of the "homosexual agenda" with stupid "boycotts" and "Write to the FCC" nonsense. My last quick point, it makes me laugh out loud even more that this group finds it
Even more offensive is Fox's view of Christianity. At a "straight" meeting, the speaker talks to gays about Jesus and tells them, "He [Jesus] hates many people, but none more than homosexuals."
Um, Don, read your own bible there buddy. Tell me what it says about homosexuals. I know it doesn't link Jesus himself as having any hatred toward gays but Paul, showed a burning disdain for them and lesbians. And since Jesus is the same thing as God, what does it say about God's opinion on homosexuals in the bible? How is that being inaccurate then, in describing religious fundamentalists, such as yourself, as having a hatred of homosexuals?
Oh yeah and lets not forget, you can make your tax-deductible donation to AFA at ... cause we all know God needs MONEY!
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