
Why the Luke Wilson at&t ads are stupid & a mobile handset rant




A)       He is misleading.  He says that at&t’s map really covers the whole country, or 90% of all Americans. While this may be true, its not countering the original charge of Verizon – which is at&t’s lack of 3G coverage.

B)       He makes a claim and doesn’t cite evidence. The claim is “at&t is the nation’s fastest 3G network” yet doesn’t back his claim with any evidence. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

C)       He claims talking and surfing at the same time is necessary.  On Verizon you currently cannot do this, however it doesn’t say that you can using a wifi connection. Besides, I use about 100 minutes per month on voice calls –if that. I for one don’t see it as a problem to say to the person on the other end that “I will call you back”, check whatever, and then re-dial. To me I don’t think its that big of a deal. Its hardly something to brag about.

D)      He says at&t has the “most popular phones”. This is only because of Apple’s sweetheart exclusivity deal with at&t  (and also the Garmin nuvi phone lately). Take away exclusivity and the mobile carrier is S.O.L. at&t built their backbone on wired plant. They get a lot of money from people like me who pay them for their DSL.



I disagree with handset exclusivity to begin with. And on that, I disagree with Verizon having exclusivity to the Droid. You don’t buy a Dell Studio 17 and have Dell say you can only use the computer on at&t DSL service at home. That would be stupid. So why not end this bullshit already and let us buy the handsets we want regardless of what provider we pay?  Let the providers sell us on their service not exclusive handsets. And while I’m at it, lets do away with this bullshit 24 month contract business eh? Can’t we just switch as we please like we already do with our home internet service providers? Or our cable/satellite tv providers? I am buying access to a network, not buying a freaking car here. End wireless contracts NOW!


Of course those things I spoke about will never be changed any time soon. I have hope though. It’s kind of like DRM.


Halloween Candy Proselytizing

This is beyond poor taste. I am just now still pulling Halloween candy out of my daughter's bag, and found two of these bible tracts in zip lock bags with the candy given by two different people.  The way these are given to and marketed towards children with cartoons is nothing new, but to me, incredibly offensive. It would be the same as if someone were to draw political talking points as cartoons and handed out to children as young as two. You would say that's in poor taste wouldn't you?

proselytize much?

click the images for full size


And this one takes the cake:


Bible Verse of the Day

There is some good stuff in the bible.  I will not deny it. It is few and far between, but it is there.


1 Corinthians 13


13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.               

13:2 And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.           

13:3 And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

13:4 Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,

13:5 Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;            

13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;          

13:7 Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.

13:8 Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.    

13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.   

13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.        

13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

13:12 For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.               

13:13 And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.




This is America?

I was very moved by the piece on last night’s Countdown – a story about free clinics, ordinarily reserved for third world countries. But this was in New Orleans, LA. Another one is scheduled for Little Rock, AR.


I will repost the story of Rich Stockwell who was there. If this isn’t a case for healthcare now, I don’t know what is.


Health reform's human stories

Countdown producer bears witness to America's health care shortcomings


updated 6:39 p.m. CT, Mon., Nov . 16, 2009


Rich Stockwell

Senior producer, 'Countdown'


New Orleans, La. — - It happened as I watched a 50-something woman walk out, after spending several hours being attended to by volunteer doctors. "She's decided against treatment. A reasonable decision under the circumstances," the doctor tells us as she heads for the next patient. The president of the board of the National Association of Free Health Clinics tells me why: "It's stage four breast cancer, her body is filled with tumors." I don't know when that woman last saw a doctor. But I do know that if she had health insurance, the odds she would have seen a doctor long ago are much higher, and her chances for an earlier diagnosis and treatment would have been far greater.


After watching for hours as the patients moved through the clinic, it was hard to believe that I was in America.


Eighty-three percent of the patients they see are employed, they are not accepting other government help on a large scale, not "welfare queens" as some would like to have us believe. They are tax-paying, good, upstanding citizens who are trying to make it and give their kids a better life just like you and me.


Ninety percent of the patients who came through Saturday's clinic had two or more diagnoses.

Eighty-two percent had a life-threatening condition such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension. They are victims of a system built with corporate profits at its center, which long ago forgot the moral imperative that should drive us to show compassion to our fellow men and women.


Health reform is not about Democrats or Republicans or who can score political points for the next election, it's about people. It's about fairness and justice in a system that knows none. I'd defy even the most hardened capitalist-loving-conservative to do what I did on Saturday and continue to pretend that the system in place right now is working.


Countdown chose to highlight and raise money for the Association of Free Clinics because we knew the work they do is so vitally important and we wanted to show in real terms how great the need is. We invited several politicians to attend so they could see first hand how critical the situation is. All declined. Some explained that they talk with constituents all the time and know very well of the need for reform.


I have news for them, these people didn't need to speak. Their actions spoke far louder than any words. Having to get a check up and diagnoses at a free clinic because they have no other option tells you all you need to know. There are no words that can accurately describe the quiet desperation on the faces of the patients. Every single one I spoke to, and every one I heard talking with doctors, expressed their gratitude for the event and wished that they were held more often.


They have been given the resources in their local communities with which they can get follow up care, but they are also the few. Over 700-thousand people in Louisiana alone have no health care, most of them with jobs that don't offer insurance.


Or, worse, they have to decide whether to pay for that or food and housing. Four patients were taken out on stretchers and admitted immediately to hospitals. One woman who didn't know why she was feeling bad had a blood pressure of 280 over 180, numbness in her right arm, and "a slight headache." She now has a shot at survival, but without her attendance at the clinic, it was a matter of time before the inevitable happened.


I spoke with a nurse who was there not as a volunteer, but as a patient. He works two part time jobs at hospitals providing quality care to those who have the one thing he doesn't. Many of his patients share his condition of high blood pressure, but they are fortunate to have insurance to pay for him to care for them while he goes without.


His situation is not uncommon, he has tried for years to get more hours at one of his jobs so he will be eligible for benefits, but it hasn't happened yet. Our system of for-profit health care can't afford to give him and others benefits - might make the stock price drop a penny or two.

The last time the media gathered at that convention center, it was for a natural disaster in which our government was rendered useless due to incompetence.


This time we were there to cover a man-made disaster of even larger proportions. This is a disaster that goes largely unseen by most Americans. It is not too late for our current government to show that they are competent, and can do what the vast majority of Americans are asking them to. The incredibly dedicated people at the Association of Free Clinics told me the clinic would change me and I knew it would. None but the most hardened and heartless among us could watch that event and not be moved to action.


I have changed. I am gratified that just over one thousand people were able to get the minimal amount of care and resources for follow up. But, I am heart-sick for the many more like them who didn't have the time or didn't know that they could get care on Saturday.


They walk through their lives not knowing when the ticking time bomb might go off.

Politicians continue to tell us we are the most compassionate and caring people, and clearly we have done much good in the world. I left the event overwhelmed by the hard work and dedication of the volunteers, doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, as well as ordinary citizens who came to help. I am left with one overwhelming question: what does it say about us as a nation of people who can live in a country so rich and yet allow this to continue?


© 2009 msnbc.com






People who do not deserve to have kids - Human Trafficking edition

Police: Search is on for N.C. girl's body

By Gabriel Falcon, CNN

November 16, 2009 10:24 a.m. EST


(CNN) -- About 200 people were searching Monday in North Carolina for the body of a missing 5-year-old girl after "reliable information" indicated that she may be dead, Fayetteville, North Carolina, police said.


The search focused on land near a roadway because "reliable information received that the body of Shaniya Davis may have been dumped there," the Fayetteville Police Department said in a statement.


Investigators have been searching for Shaniya for several days.


Police charged the girl's mother, Antoinette Nicole Davis, with trafficking and other offenses, authorities said. Davis was "prostituting her child," said Fayetteville police spokeswoman Theresa Chance.


Other charges against the mother include felony child abuse, prostitution and filing a false police report, according to the Fayetteville Police Department.


Road Closures tomorrow (2009-11-11)

Some kind of Country Music thing in conjunction with a Veterans Day Parade.

Click Images to view Large


FW: Did your senator vote for the "thought crimes" bill?

Dear AFA,

No, my senators didn’t vote for the hate crimes bill because they are bigoted homophobic white-boys from Tennessee. They both did vote for the gang-rape bill though. How about them moral values?

From: AFA Action Alert
Sent: 2009-10-26 20:21
To: Chris
Subject: Did your senator vote for the "thought crimes" bill?

Did your senator vote for the "thought crimes" bill?
See how your senators voted and send an e-mail of complaint or commendation.

October 26, 2009

Dear Chris,

The United States Senate voted last week to criminalize thought by passing the so-called "hate crimes" bill.

This is simply the first in a line of morally repugnant pro-homosexual bills that are on the horizon, such as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, a bill to repeal the prohibition on homosexuals serving in the military, and a bill to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

We must let every senator who voted for the "hate crimes" bill know that his vote will not be forgotten when he stands for re-election.

And we must let those senators who voted against this dangerous bill know that we appreciate and support their vote and will likewise remember their vote when they stand for re-election.

The "hate crimes" law not only criminalizes thought, it creates a judicial caste system in which those who engage in non-normative sexual behavior perversely get more protection than heterosexuals.

And it could put your pastor in jail if his biblical teaching on sexuality can be connected in even the remotest way to an act of violence against a homosexual or a transsexual.

(Click here if you'd like to see how your representative voted when this bill was before the House.)

Take Action

Send your senators an e-mail of complaint or commendation based on how he or she voted on the "hate crimes" bill.

Please note that our system automatically recognizes how your senators voted on this bill contructs the proposed e-mail message accordingly.

Take Action Now

Send your senators an e-mail of complaint or commendation based on how he or she voted on the "hate crimes" bill.

It is very important that you forward this alert to your friends and family members.



Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Help us Financially
Donate Online to AFA







(free gift)




A Holy Land Tour
with Tim Wildmon

Travel with Tim Wildmon to Israel in March 2010. The Bible will come alive before your very eyes.



Its a Trap!

Thanks to Inspiration For Every Day Life
I immediately knew that it was a scam, one of those bait and switch deals. It was a mailing from a local car dealer that said I was a "finalist" in a $10,000 contest. The problem is, I never entered any contest.

Point is, its a scam and if you ever get a mailing to go to a dealership to claim a prize (just a bait & switch to get you in the door). I knew for sure this was a scam because of the obvious bullshit they sold on the website.

Just check out the google links. On the prize card, it says "go to our website directly, do not enter our website in a search engine" RED FLAG hahaha

When typing in selectyourgifts.com into google, google suggest suggests "selectyourgifts.com scam" as its first page. I hope with more and more people making blog posts and posting to ripoff report. The saddest thing is, many people will be drawn in and duped by this scam.

Billboard wars

How can the secular community ever stand a chance of competing with the Christians when the Christians don't even have to post billboards themselves? They get some country artist to post religious ads for them. They have lots more money than us, but also have that atvantage of not having a fundamentalist movement trying to vandalize and bitch and moan and complain about their billboards like we do.


A test of the Blogger Email system

I know It’s been quite a while since I have posted anything and blogging has been pretty useless lately.  With all the tools available to me. I realize that I never set this blog up to be published via email. (A tool available since the first blog started in Sept 2004)


Anyway this is a test. Lets see if it works.








You can be good without god(s)

Granted, the data is old,


How about those so-called “Judeo-Christian values” we keep hearing about so much about? Here is a breakdown of those Judeo-Christians in Prison versus atheists in prison:

Judeo-Christian Total 62594 83.761%

Atheist Total 156 0.209%

Although making up 12-16% of the total population, atheists are demonized for being “evil” from the Christians.


The Birds

Was waiting to get into the Ryman and saw this amazing Cumulonimbus and also saw a perfect set up - Pinnacle to the left, tree, and Cumulonimbus - so equipped with my mobile phone (no recording devices or cameras were allowed for the Bill Maher show) I snapped one, saw the birds flying through, and thought they ruined the shot. So I took another one. But decided this one was better. I love the gracefulness of the birds. You can see several of them in various stages of flight. I am quite happy with the way it turned out. Best viewed large.


Time to end the mobile phone gulag

20.06.2009 19:58 UTC

Air Temperature 34ºC
Relative Humidity 52%
Wind Velocity 4.02 m/s
Wind Direction 20º
Air Pressure 1010.9 hPa

Came across this so I would like to pass it on.

New mobile phones have been called “the Internet in your pocket,” but they’re not. Through exclusive deals for phones like the iPhone and BlackBerry Storm, wireless companies have curtailed innovation, crippled applications, and stuck users with the bill. We demand the freedom to use our phones as we choose — on wireless networks that offer true high-speed Internet and real consumer choice.

Been Looking through old posts

Funny When I started this whole blogging thing nearly 5 years ago I started every post with a

Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Wind Velocity
Wind Direction

And then I would go on to write whatever. Maybe I will channel my inner geek and start it up again.

So here it is, June and its hot as hell.

20.06.2009 04:36 UTC

Air Temperature 28.5ºC
Relative Humidity 67%
Wind Velocity 2.2 m/s
Wind Direction 222º

Tired and going to bed. How things change. Yeah I am out of shape but I am also a night owl. That data is is from South Nashville, where its slightly hotter than here at home.

Going to fall asleep to some Aphex Twin again. I don't remember a single dream at all but if I could Lucid Dream and listen to the Selective Ambient Works, Vol, 2 (of which I highly recommend) I bet the dreams would be awesome.

See ya on the other side.


Arguing with a believer

Banyek - Music for dreamland

Always been a fan, came across another set to fall asleep to. Awesome ambient sounds.

More than happy to share Download the set here

Many thanks to _applejux_ for sharing.



1> XRC - Aprilis 6 (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
2> LOMOV - Snodd (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
3> SOL- Cabin (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
4> SOUTIEN GORGE - Erkezes (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
5> DIA- Resad (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
6> ON_14 - Distance (bitlabrecords.com/cod)
7> RENNIAC - Earth night (stadtgruenlabel.net)
8> SOUTIEN GORGE - Zuhause (2063music.de)
9> COOLER- Sunset on planet Mars (chiware)
10> ESA - Environmental(03) (sinewaves.it)
11> UNKNOWN - Microwave drugs (quiet zone)
12> SOUTIEN GORGE - Ende (2063music.de)

Turquoise Hexagon Sun

Was browsing around and came across this video. I remember seeing this film years and years ago. A brilliant marrying of the original concept of the film and one of my all time favorite songs.

The film is called Koyaanisqatsi and its from 1982. Its been so long since I have seen the film that I can't even remember the original music that went with it. But I do remember the powerful message that it gave. Sad how not many have listened to it since the film was released.


File under WTF!?

Clear Channel included "What a Wonderful World" on a list of songs that might be inappropriate for airplay in the period just after the September 11, 2001 attacks.



People who do not deserve to have kids - issue 5

AP story :( (boo)

Basically a woman was confronted by a loss prevention officer at Wal Mart and the dumb bitch threw the baby -car seat and all- at the guy and ran away, whereby the baby landed face down and was knocked unconscious.

(would have really loved to republish the story but the AP are dickheads and won't allow it without getting sue-happy, sorry)

Getting our soldiers killed

I heard about a report some time ago of some moron in the army making a personal crusade of his deployment to Afghanistan. I was mad but didnt think much of it. Then I got to thinking that this kind of behavior is what is going to harm our troops overseas. The whole fight to the radicals is religious, do you really want to bring that kind of fight to them?

The idiot in question is called LTC Gary Hensley.


The man goes on Al Jazerra and says this lovely gem:

"The special forces guys -- they hunt men basically," Hensley said. "We do the same things as Christians, we hunt people for Jesus. We do, we hunt them down. Get the hound of heaven after them, so we get them into the kingdom. That's what we do, that's our business."

No sir. your business is to obey the orders of the president of the United States, and to obey the orders of the officers above you. Not to inflame the already radical Muslims in Afghanistan by going on Al Jazerra and spouting such nonsense.

You have some religious nuts in the army who will do this on their own accord, against Central Command General Order No. 1. Yes we have rules for a reason people not because we are just hard asses. Your actions are going to pour gasoline on to the fire that is radical Islam. The troops say thank you.



Originally uploaded by Chris1051
I may be little and can't decide where I stand on politics but when it comes to religion, I am never too little to have my religion decided for me by my parents.


People who do not deserve to have kids - issue 4

Woman arrested after 5-year-old caught driving


MURFREESBORO — A Lebanon woman was charged with felony reckless endangerment and her fourth offense of driving on a suspended license after a witness spotted a 5-year-old boy driving her van on Lokey Avenue at Memorial Boulevard.

Jessica Lynn Fistunenko, 26, later told police she had driven her van to a Memorial Boulevard store Tuesday and left the keys in the ignition while she ran in to get groceries.

A 5-year-old boy and 6-year-old girl were left in the vehicle, according to the report. The report did not indicate if Fistunenko was the children's parent.

Fistunenko told police that when she came out of the store the boy started her van and put it in reverse, according to Murfreesboro Police Officer Michael Payne. The van then traveled to the middle of Memorial Boulevard in the midst of rush hour traffic around 6:20 p.m. No one was injured.

"Fistunenko stated that the boy has behavioral problems," Payne reported.

The female witness who spotted the boy and called police said she saw him in the driver's seat in the middle of Memorial Boulevard when Fistunenko walked out of the store with boxes in her hand. The witness said she called because she feared for the boy's and the girl's safety.

"I placed Fistunenko into custody and transported her to the Rutherford County Sheriff's Office without incident," Payne reported.

She is scheduled to appear in Rutherford County General Sessions Court July 21 to face the charges. Her bond was set at $10,000.

The report did not indicate whether child protective services were investigating, nor whether the children were turned over to a friend or relative or placed in state custody.

Here's a fucking thought... Step one: Don't leave the kids in the van. Step two: Don't leave the kids in the van... with the keys!

It is unknown if the kids are hers or not, but this deserved a mention in my long running series "People who do not deserve to have kids".



Been raining quite a lot lately, I managed to get the lawn mowed after work yesterday in time before it started raining.

My neighbor across the street and diagonal - he has a sign that he faithfully puts in his lawn that says something along the lines of "Only through faith are ye saved NOT OF WORKS" and some bible verse underneath. He places this sign within 2 feet of the street - so as to let people driving by see it like its a road sign. No matter what happens to it, if it gets blown down by a storm for example, he will diligently raise it back up. When he mows his lawn, he makes sure the sign is in order.

I don't have a problem with someone having a Jesus in their front lawn - tacky and ugly it would be -esp. on my street- but that and a simple cross or whatever I wouldn't have a problem, cause its their private property.

When you get ridiculous GIANT CROSSES that flank the interstate and shock billboards and signs like that that are meant to communicate a message I think these are in poor taste.

Yes I had an Obama sign in my front lawn but it was within 2 feet of my house. And I took it down the day after the election.

Ah well, I know I am not making much sense here I am just typing this out on my break -back to work.

The National Day of Prayer has been hijacked by the Religious Right, which uses it to promote religious bigotry.

Another interesting read, I got it in an email from Charles (AU)

Think of it as a re-tweet.

In recent years, most NDP activities have been coordinated by the “National Day of Prayer Task Force,” an organization based in Colorado Springs and run by Shirley Dobson, wife of Religious Right radio broadcaster James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family.

Despite its official-sounding name, the NDP Task Force is a private group with no connection to government. Nevertheless, the organization has taken the lead in sponsoring Prayer Day events in many cities and states. The Task Force is exclusionary and does not permit participation by non-fundamentalist Christians. The materials it distributes promote a rigid fundamentalist outlook not shared by most Americans.

On the NDP’s Web site, volunteers are required to sign a statement of faith reflecting fundamentalist tenets, list church affiliation and provide clergy references. Volunteers are ordered to make sure no non-Christians speak at NDP events. (Non-Christians may only attend as long as they agree to remain silent.)

“The National Day of Prayer Task Force was a creation of the National Prayer Committee for the expressed purpose of organizing and promoting prayer observances conforming to a Judeo-Christian system of values,” reads the Web site. “People with other theological and philosophical views are, of course, free to organize and participate in activities that are consistent with their own beliefs.”

But even this is not accurate. The use of the term “Judeo-Christian” is deceptive. In fact, the Task Force promotes Christian fundamentalism at every turn. There is nothing “Judeo” about the Task Force’s outlook. Volunteers are told, “In both public and private life, we ask that you demonstrate the commitment you have made to Jesus Christ in the following areas: spiritual maturity, emotional stability, healthy personal relationships, financial responsibility, and a stable living situation.”

Volunteers, says the Task Force, must show “a passionate devotion to advancing Christ’s Kingdom and the cause of prayer in our nation.” They are required to affirm that they will “ensure a strong, consistent Christian message throughout the nation” and must endorse a statement reading, “I commit that NDP activities I serve with will be conducted solely by Christians while those with differing beliefs are welcome to attend.”

The Task Force’s Mission Statement reads that it seeks to “communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, mobilizing the Christian community to intercede for America and its leadership in the seven centers of power: Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, Church and Family.”

The group’s “Vision and Values” include: “foster unity within the Christian church” and “publicize and preserve America’s Christian heritage.”


The National Day of Prayer Is Unnecessary

Originally authored by an acquaintance -Charles. (consider it a Re-Tweet)

America does not need an official, government-mandated “National Day of Prayer.” Religious individuals who feel strongly about the country are free to pray for it at any time. They do not need to be directed or encouraged by government.

Government should refrain from sponsoring religious worship. It would be best if the National Day of Prayer were ended entirely. If that is not possible, the event, at the very least, should be pried free from the suffocating grasp of the Religious Right.

Religious freedom
At a loss
When one religion
Is the boss.



The first criminal prosecution arising from Twitter posts began in April 2009 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation arrested Daniel Knight Hayden, a supporter of the Tea Party protests against the policies of President Barack Obama. Hayden was allegedly sending tweets threatening violence in connection with his plan to attend the Tea Party protest in Oklahoma City.



more tests

Maemo WordPy info

testing out Maemo WordPy

using this application for N810 its a blogging app. You can write posts offline etc. gotta figure out how to add photos looks like you add them separately. Sorry for punctuation mistakes... its late


Wal Mart cleaning music lyrics

Wal Mart had a policy whereby they would take an artists work, and demand a "clean" version of the music. Cause hearing the occasional "fuck" or "shit" or "bitch" was too harsh for their prudish ears. They wanted to make Wal Mart a more family friendly place. They blocked out COSMO magazines talking about "how to drive him wild in bed" and an occasional boob poking through a dress on the cover of Redbook.

So what sort of books do you think they would allow / disallow to be sold in Wal Mart? Yes they do sell Christian books. They also sell Dr. Phil Books. They sell Self help books, and the "Purpose Driven Life".

They also think its perfectly OK to sell this:

WalMart goes out of its way to edit out music lyrics but sells this shit

I don't have a problem with trashy romance novels but what was the point of them editing out an Eminem Album. When a book like the above describes in great detail sex acts that would make the prudes blush.

The Alabama christian strikes back



Proudly in Alabama and SAVED by the Lord's grace! says:

The Bible specifically says the death penalty is to be applied in certain cases as punishment for horrific crimes. These babies committed no crimes, unlike the long line of child-rapists and murderers sitting on death row.

Applying the death penalty is definitely killing, but it is not murder. Murder is non-justified killing (i.e. one person killing another out of petty personal rage, which is a sin). The death penalty is justified since God specifically commands that it be carried out (and gives the specific crimes for which it is to be done). The Bible is God's word, and God is perfect and makes no mistakes, hence there are no contradictions in the Bible...and any "interpretation" thereof which would lead to there being contradictions is therefore logically incorrect on its face (something you'd know had you actually read a Bible before spouting off about it - or had an IQ higher than a pop-tart).

You think silence would be better than this sign, which is a form of protected peaceful speech and an expression of conscious objection? Who would you have to be an advocate - a non-violent voice - for these babies which have done nothing wrong, and are defenseless, yet are killed anyway?

My response:

"The Bible specifically says the death penalty is to be applied in certain cases as punishment for horrific crimes"

Yeah, like

If you are gay - Leviticus 20:13
If you are a rebellious child - Deuteronomy 21:21
If you are a "false" prophet - Deuteronomy 13:6
If you try to entice your family to "worship other gods" - Deuteronomy 13:8-9
If you are a stranger and tell people to "worship other gods" - Deuteronomy 13:15-16
Practice magic - Leviticus 20:27
Drink Blood - Leviticus 7:27
If you don't get your son circumcised - Exodus 4:24-26
Needlessly slaughtering innocent CHILDREN - Exodus 11:5
If your son hits and curses you the bible says you should kill them - Exodus 21:15

And God decides to kill everything on earth for no particular reason - everything from newborns to Koala Bears - Genesis 7:21-23

There are over 900 instances of cruelty and violence in the bible. And yes in the New testament too. It would take me all night to type out every single one. So the question is, what are you doing in the 21st century reveling in a book that is so violent?

I honestly typed that out before even reading about his "pop tart" comment. I don't think he has room to talk. If he believes that the earth was flooded and covered with water and that the earth is only 6000 years old.


I don't mean to sound critical, but...

Photo by RussSwift

There were several deadly tornadoes that blasted through middle Tennessee on Friday. Two people died including a nine week old newborn. (Apologies for the resource-hogging website from Channel 5) This was a tragedy for the surviving husband and father. I cannot even imagine what it must be like for him to lose his wife and his newborn like that. My thoughts are certainly with him though I don't know him.

I heard a lot of delusional talk from people whom I would call friends. Disclaimer: these people are religious. They said things like "I just got home and am SO thankful to say that we don't even have a trashcan turned over. Thank you, God." and "I prayed hard that there wouldn't be many deaths." and this doozy: "Well God must be looking after us because there were only two deaths"

After doing a spit-take on that last one, I thought to myself, out of respect, and as a part of my lets-bend-over-backward-to-respect-other-people's-religion policy.

I thought: If God existed wouldn't it be better to simply pray for no more tornadoes? How about no more hurricanes? Or How about no more earthquakes? No more tsunami's? No more famine? No more slaughter of the innocent? No more malaria deaths (currently 1-3 Million per year from a parasite. A parasite the creationists would have you believe God himself designed.)? No more child murder? In which a Sunday School Teacher killed an 8-year-old girl whose body was found in a suitcase dumped in an irrigation pond. Give it up for that Christian Morality We always hear about!

Or how about ending Child rape? (More of that Christian Morality I have been nagged about because us atheists don't get our morality from anywhere, if we don't get it from the bible)

If god does exist, doesn't this just show how much of a sick bastard he is? That woman and that nine week old newborn did not deserve to die from an "Act of God". You have to sit and think for a minute of why God would allow 25,000 children to die every single day of starvation. How is this in any way demonstrable of "God's Love"?

The world is full of suffering. In the animal kingdom, which includes us - yes we used to hunt and be hunted -more on this in a later blog post, the creationists would have you believe God "designed" the cruel day-to-day occurrence of predator hunting prey. And the incredibly cruel goings on of parasite and host. Why would God design a cruel system of perpetual suffering? Why would God design organisms that can experience pain and suffering and will all eventually die when he himself is immortal? For fun? Because he is one sick bastard?

It may seem tough to question these poor desperate people's faith. But isn't bracing truth better than false hope?


Stuff you should know

Hat tip to Cameron Reilly

Lucilio Vanini

Lucilio Vanini was extremely brave to "come out" as an atheist. After which he was arrested and tortured to death.

On wikipedia:

In November 1618 he was arrested, and after a prolonged trial was condemned, as an atheist, to have his tongue cut out, and to be strangled at the stake, his body to be after wards burned to ashes. The sentence was executed on the 9th of February 1619.

Isn't intolerance wonderful? From the religion of peace™ -Christianity.


Hard to blog

Its hard to blog, esp. with a full time job and other duties. Its now 23:17 as I type this. With all the tools available to me, mobile web, the S10, offline blogging, I still find it hard to make posts.

So now I am going to bed as the end of another day. Here is a video of an old favorite song of mine. Sound quality is not tops but the music is flawless.


Poor Guy

CarpenterBee (34)

Or I don't know if this was a male or female. Any help is appreciated. More on flickr.

I ran into this bee on my truck and it was moving very slowly (probably cause it was cold and got caught out thinking it was going to warm up. Notice in the other flickr photos I use my leatherman to pick it up (because again, I didn't know if it was male or female and did not want to get stung). So I got it and took photos, and then placed it back on the ground to maybe warm up in the sun. (maybe it will survive tonight's freezing temperatures and live on into the summer. I believe it was fooled by Sunday's warm temps, then got a shock after the storms blew through.

So I guess it makes up for my Velvet Ant Murder, that I let this one live.

Hey I also captured a house centipede and released it outside without killing it. So I guess 1 for 3 is a good start eh?


Fun bible verse: rape and pillage edition

Numbers 31:15-18
And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

Read the Constitution: Lesson 2

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

Yep. Nowhere does it say anything that the President has to be a Christian. Nowhere does it say the President can't be a Muslim. Nowhere does it say the President can't be an atheist.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 8:
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

No mention of God or any religion. No mention of any bibles or anything. This is the presidential oath.

Treaty of Tripoli

Most notably Article 11:

Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen; and, as the said States never entered into any war, or act of hostility against any Mahometan nation, it is declared by the parties, that no pretext arising from religious opinions, shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

According to wikipedia

The Senate's ratification was only the third recorded unanimous vote of 339 taken. The treaty was printed in the Philadelphia Gazette and two New York papers, with no evidence of any public dissent.


Featured Artist: The Searcher

Beginner's Bible Coloring Book!
Originally uploaded by The Searcher

Thanks to The Searcher for making such beautiful art. Check out the photostream for some amazing work. I have been honored that this piece was added to the Bible Belt Pool. The Searcher is from Seattle. So go check out the wonderful art.

Bible Belt Finds: WARNING + Jesus is boss + Gay bashing

Mardi Gras 2009

Thanks to howieluvzus.

Again I had to laugh out loud at this sign. "Rebellious women"? "Sports nuts"? "Pot smoking little devils"? Down at the bottom it says "God will judge you" I think these nutters do the judging for god.

jesus is boss

Thanks to Gigi Elmes. As noted looks like a driving hazard to me.

Thanks to דודdavid.

Don't forget you can join the Bible Belt Group today. Then keep your eyes peeled. Its so much easier here in the south to find this stuff. But it is everywhere. Would love to have your bible belt-isms added and posted.

Attack of the Rednecks (part 4)

OrangePaint (4)

Ok so I am driving home. I see some debris in the road. With caution I try to avoid it but cannot cause I am in the 3rd lane from the left and there is traffic on both sides of me. I can't go anywhere. Then I see a can of orange paint which had exploded and was bouncing down the interstate. headed straight for me. It hits my bumper and sprays my windshield. I immediately hit the windshield washer and wipers. It does nothing.

So a can of orange paint hit my truck (a work vehicle) And sprayed orange paint all over. Pissed, I continue my drive home. I eventually catch up to the dumbass who was responsible for the orange paint mishap. It was a semi-trailer. A flat bed, with a shit load of loose cans of paint falling off one by one. On the trailer was what looked like furniture but then looked to be like metal cabinets and storage bins for -say a warehouse or a manufacturing floor. About 30 cans of spray paint were rolling around on the back. I didn't have my DSLR with me so I didn't attempt a photo while driving. The semi was red. On the door it said "Alabama Motor Express" Or something similar. And so, be it a conspiracy or not, a redneck caused some paint to spray all over my vehicle. The stuff was hard to get off (I have only gotten it off my windshield and headlights. The rest is still on). After a hard day's work, I come home and no I can't relax I have to clean up paint. I had to use a razor blade on the window and alcohol on the headlights.

Attack of the rednecks (part 3) (Afternoon LOL edition)

Velvet Ant Death #9

A big thank you to all the redneck persons out there on flickr that keep providing me with good blog material. You guys never let me down :)

Check out this week's winner.

He goes by the flickr name of Proudly in Alabama and SAVED by the Lord's grace!

He comments on this photo of mine from 2007-08-02

I will post a screen shot of his comments below (click to embiggen)

So let me quote him:

First thing he says is:

After seeing that stinger, it's going to be about a week before I can sleep again.

You could hit bone with that thing!

Fair enough. I come back at him with:
Yeah well, They are very aggressive if handled. Looking back I really should have just left it alone. At the time though I didn't want to risk it getting in the house for my (then) 2 year old to pick it up so this thing had to go.

They have them down in your neck of the woods too so watch out for them. I live by a philosophy now that if they dont pose a threat to you -they should be just left alone. After reading about how rare these things are I regret killing it. They are rare. I have only seen 4 in a 15 year time span. Granted most of that time I was not living in the south.

He then replies:
Look son, I don't know what hippie kool-aid you've been drinking, but -- THE RARER THE BETTER, extinct would be preferable. Short of these things holding the cure for cancer (which they don't), keeping them around serves only as one more source of a horrific death for innocent and unsuspecting babies and children, the elderly, and the anaphylactically allergic.

Traditional American philosophy is: if it doesn't serve a clear and important purpose which benefits the human race, a benefit which only it can provide us -- and if, on top of that, it kills or creates damage or pain -- then TO HELL WITH IT, IT'S A BUG FOR PETE'S SAKE!

And I agree.

I LMAO and then type out:
@Proudly in Alabama and SAVED by the Lord's grace!

Firstly, you aren't my dad.

Hahaha you really make me laugh dude. How do you know for sure they don't hold the cure for cancer? Also I would like to dispel the rumor that these velvet ants kill, -they don't. They produce a very painful sting. But they do not kill. MAYBE someone who is allergic, but really its a rare thing. It seems (and I am totally making an assumption here) that you are they type of person who would kill something just to kill it. Do you like to hit deer in the road just to kill it and take its antlers as some sort of redneck trophy? Again I am making assumptions here and I do apologize if I am wrong but I have seen real rednecks here in Tennessee do such a thing.

I suspect that your feeling of importance of the human species above all other creatures stems from your heavy Christian faith and how in the bible it says its ok to kill and torture animals for our own means.

Lastly, what do you agree with?

Thanks for keeping the subject alive. Great to have your comments man.

I mean holy shit, look at his flickr profile and tell me if you think this guy and me would disagree on just a few things.



Complete this sentence: "If I were to die tonight, my soul would be in H______ tomorrow morning".

"A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't."

"There is an appointment that all men will keep" (with God upon death); what will be seen there with you that day?


I am a worthless sinner, undeserving of the crucifixion and bodily death of Jesus Christ, but by the GRACE of THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, it was done and I am SAVED and my sins are under the BLOOD at CALVARY and I am HEAVEN-BOUND! THANK YOU LORD for MAKING A WAY for me by sending your sole Son to die for my sins at Calvary! My sin-debt has been paid! It's only by YOUR WONDERFUL GRACE that I'm saved!

I am from a RURAL part of the Deep SOUTH, where there's still a trace of DECENCY left in most white people.


This is a LOST and DYING world FULL OF SIN -- murder, liberalism, rape, starvation, disease, sickness, death, love of darkness, hatred of light, selfishness, gluttony, anger, perversion, molestation, addiction, pain, shallowness, deceit, prostitution, ALCOHOL, drugs, poverty, greed, self-indulgence, dictators, humanism, hedonism, atheism, evolutionism, homosexuality, corruption, interracial marriage, etc. -- and it's not my home, I'm just A-PASSIN' THROUGH, HALLELUJAH! How tragic it would be if this Earth were all there was!

God SPECIFICALLY said not to be deceived by what the liberals are saying: homosexuals, alcohol drinkers, non-Christians, etc., will NOT be getting into Heaven the way liberals say they will - {1 CORINTHIANS 6:9-10}

There is only ONE way to HEAVEN, and that is through the shed BLOOD of JESUS CHRIST {JOHN 14:6}. You can be SAVED only through His GRACE, not your own works (what kind of 'loving' god would send his only son to die a horrific death if there was any other way?) - you're a sinner and thus you fall FAR short of the Grace and Glory of God {ROMANS 3:23}, and are UTTERLY incapable of paying the debt of sin you've racked up. You can't earn a ticket into Heaven by doing nice things for people or having your heart in the right place {EPHESIANS 2:9} - you NEED Jesus! You need to TURN from your SIN, REPENT, BELIEVE on His name, and ask GOD to SAVE YOU so that you can be BORN AGAIN into the SPIRIT and filled with the HOLY GHOST and go the HEAVEN instead of HELL! READ THE BIBLE!!! -- it's God's word, and this is EXACTLY WHAT IT SAYS!...and that's how it USED to be preached all over this land, the GOOD OLD-FASHIONED FIRE and BRIMSTONE way! {REVELATION 21:8}


There are NO CONTRADICTIONS in the Bible! It is the infallible, inerrant, all-sufficient, inspired WORD OF GOD - and it is to be taken LITERALLY, as PERFECT GOD WROTE IT, not as sinful man wishes it were! I believe the WHOLE BIBLE, exactly as written, with NO APOLOGIES TO "SCIENCE" -- and no, there are no problems with eating shellfish and also shunning homosexuality, ignorant liberals!


Jesus created an INDEPENDENT church, each local church UNAFFILIATED and UNASSOCIATED with any sort of man-made larger organizational body -- hence I am an INDEPENDENT FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST. If your church is affiliated with ANY sort of organization or association -- be it the Southern Baptist Convention, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church in America, the Roman Catholic Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, whatever it may be -- you are in a BIBLE-DENYING, LIBERAL CHURCH. Churches: if an association has you on their rolls, Jesus doesn't have you on His!

Most people who self-identify as "Christian" aren't, no matter how loud they may insist -- "SAYIN' IT DON'T MAKE IT SO!" -- the BIBLE shows the standard of who's a Christian!


We the SAVED are on a MISSION to preach to the impenitent lost, to convert all the atheists and pagans and hippies and vegetarians and Moslems and Jews and Catholics and Mormons and other unsaved (why? Because we CARE about the fate of their eternal, everlasting souls and thus don't want to see them end up in HELL FOREVER because they died without Christ's blood covering their sins - the Jesus of the Bible said that through Him is the ONLY way to Heaven {JOHN 14:6}), to stamp out homosexuality {LEVITICUS 20:13} and feminism {1 TIMOTHY 2:11-12} and all other forms of Bible-denying liberalism, and to reclaim America for Christ and hold the people of this secular liberal land to God's STANDARDS and COMMANDMENTS. These God-hating liberals will get their due - JUDGMENT awaits, and it will be a TERRIBLE DAY when the TRUMPET OF THE LORD SHALL SOUND!!!

HELL is NEVER-ENDING TORTURE and suffering and death; it's a DEMONIC place -- and it's where YOU'LL SEND YOURSELF by and for your SIN if you refuse CHRIST before it's eternally TOO LATE! Do you want to PERISH IN AGONY...or not? Christ died for YOU!

TURN from your sins or BURN in hell for FOREVER, UNSAVED SINNER! YOUR CHOICE, so choose LIFE over DEATH!

My YouTube channel
I live in the Deep South, in the most deeply conservative, old-fashioned, fundamentalist Baptist state in the union - whose very name strikes fear in the hearts of liberals: ALABAMA ... where freedom still matters!

Endless material -these Christian fundamentalists provide.

HP customer service hell

At work, we have an HP plotter, and also an HP color Laser Jet. In the past, when the 5550DN went on the blink, I had to call them up and –even though it’s under a warranty they require someone to troubleshoot the device on the phone before they will send someone out. So, today, the Design Jet 1055cm plus dies. I have to call these people again which resulted in a huge pain in the ass and a waste of time. Before calling, I had already known it was the network card that failed, because I did my own troubleshooting. Knowing this, you would think that this call should take very quickly. I already know what the problem is, I just say yes, yes, yes, to the people when they ask me “have you tried … ?” Here is what went down:

11:25 - Call Start - using complicated voice-recognition automated system. Was advised that design jet support is online only. And to have a nice day. *click* Call ended.

11:29 - Call Start - tried to connect with a representative by hitting 0 repeatedly (about 8 times). Told to wait on hold while a representative would be made available.

11:34 – Finally connected to a representative. This one is from Costa Rica. He hears my problem, and then promptly places me on hold to transfer me to design jet team.

11:36 - On Hold.

11:41 - Connected with design jet team member -this one is from Canada (eh). He records our care pack number and info. Listens to my problem and also agrees that it is a network card issue. He places me on hold to start a conference call for network card specialist.

11:45 - On Hold.

11:58 - Now in conference call with Design jet team member (from Costa Rica) and network card specialist. Troubleshooting device at the insistence of the woman from Costa Rica – who seems to think I am some sort of idiot.

12:14 – Woman from Costa Rica determined that indeed the card was bad (as we had initially suspected). She begins to setup a case number. She can’t start one because she needs to enter the serial number of the old card. The man from Canada (eh) takes over and says he will order the card for me.

12:28 – The rep from Canada (eh) is ordering a new card. He tells me all the info etc etc etc.

12:39 - End of call. I can eat lunch YAY!

So, more than an hour wasted on the phone to get something I already knew was bad, bearing in mind, that a year of “care pack” service is $1,649. The man from Canada (eh) was extremely helpful and repeatedly apologized for placing me on hold. The personnel from Costa Rica however always seem to irk me, cause they constantly ask me “Have you tried … ?” That in combination with their very thick and heavy accents and the broken English make it extremely difficult to deal with them. I am not at all pleased.

The thing that pisses me off more, is we are supposed to have, included in this “care pack” service a tech to come out to fix problems. HP will not even send a tech out unless you sit on the phone for hours on end to troubleshoot with someone. (that is usually from Costa Rica who is hard to understand yadda yadda yadda) I can’t see why they can’t just let me call a number and get help. Here is how a call should go:

I call HP and say “Hey Joe, come on out we got a problem.”

And Joe says “Ok Chris, I’ll be there at 4 PM”.

Then I say “OK”.

Why? Why do they make people jump through hoops of fire in order to get some help and SERVICE that they PAID FOR? I am pissed and its not even my money that paid for it. (Its my work) but for fuck sake HP! Why not make it easier for us normal people?


Bible Belt Finds: "Truckin' for Jesus" + "One Way" + "3-handed salute"

"Don't Leave This World With Out Him"

Thanks to s t e p h e r


Thanks to NC Cigany

Some wisdom from the Calvary Baptist Church

Thanks to mr*sha*mme*r

Of course, if you find any "bible-belt-isms" in your neck of the woods, photograph it and add it to the Bible Belt group. If you aren't already a member join today.

Don says "Don't watch Family Guy"

Fox's 'Family Guy' goes too far; file a complaint with the FCC

File an official complaint with the FCC against the FOX network and your local FOX affiliate station.

March 25, 2009

Dear Chris,

On March 8, Fox network aired Family Guy, a perverted and sickening program, into the homes of millions of Americans. This episode was rated TV-14 DLSV by FOX, meaning that in the network's opinion it was appropriate for 14-year olds. It aired during prime-time.

The content of this program was so explicit that I can't even begin to describe it here.

Click here to watch these scenes or read our detailed review. WARNING: These scenes taken from the Fox program Family Guy are highly offensive.

The review:


The following information is offensive! It is offered as informational evidence of the sickening material broadcast on FOX Network.

The March 8 episode of Family Guy, a disgusting cartoon that airs Sunday nights on Fox network, condoned bestiality, gay orgies and babies eating sperm.

In this perverted episode:

* Peter, the husband/father figure, turns gay after taking an experimental shot of the gay gene. He was paid $125 to take part of this experiment to prove that being gay is not a choice.
* Peter and his new lover make out in a restaurant.
* The lover tells Peter he has arranged an 11-way gay orgy.
* Peter helps his son with his math homework and turns the problem into an explicit conversation about “glory holes” and “circuit parties,” which are references to gay sex.
* Peter leaves his son Chris in charge of the family while he spends time with his gay partner. Upon his new role, Chris immediately passes gas in his sister’s face and knocks out his mother, Lois.
* Peter lies in bed with his rear exposed and moans in pleasure when a horse, which he assumes is his wife, licks his rear.
* Lois, wearing skimpy lingerie, is turned down by her now gay husband.
* Their child, Baby Stewie, eats cereal covered with horse sperm that resembled milk kept in the refrigerator.

Back to the "sound the alarm" email I got haha:

Even more offensive is Fox's view of Christianity. At a "straight" meeting, the speaker talks to gays about Jesus and tells them, "He [Jesus] hates many people, but none more than homosexuals." Incidentally, Pepsico helped sponsor this program (BoycottPepsico.com.

You really cannot get the full effect of the show's portrayal of Christianity without watching the video or reading our review. You will hear the tone and sarcasm very clearly.

The FCC has a duty to enforce the law and fine Fox for this sickening violation of broadcast decency standards. In addition, your local FOX network affiliate did not have to air this episode. Obviously, they do not care about your local community standards.
Take Action!

File an official complaint with the FCC against the Fox network and your local FOX affiliate station. It will only take a couple of minutes. Do it for your children and grandchildren.

They leave a link for watching the video too. I haven't seen it. I don't watch the show and don't really care about it. But I do know that it is hugely popular. Also, "boycotting" this is only going to make the show more popular. Complaining about toilet humor is one thing but I laugh out loud when organizations like this make it their sole agenda to combat every instance of the "homosexual agenda" with stupid "boycotts" and "Write to the FCC" nonsense. My last quick point, it makes me laugh out loud even more that this group finds it

Even more offensive is Fox's view of Christianity. At a "straight" meeting, the speaker talks to gays about Jesus and tells them, "He [Jesus] hates many people, but none more than homosexuals."

Um, Don, read your own bible there buddy. Tell me what it says about homosexuals. I know it doesn't link Jesus himself as having any hatred toward gays but Paul, showed a burning disdain for them and lesbians. And since Jesus is the same thing as God, what does it say about God's opinion on homosexuals in the bible? How is that being inaccurate then, in describing religious fundamentalists, such as yourself, as having a hatred of homosexuals?

Oh yeah and lets not forget, you can make your tax-deductible donation to AFA at ... cause we all know God needs MONEY!


Always makes me LOL

A brilliant piece of writing from a brilliant man:

When it comes to bullshit...big-time, major league bullshit... you have to stand in awe, in awe of the all time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion.
Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it, religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man... living in the sky...who watches every thing you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten special things that he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry for ever and ever 'til the end of time...but he loves you. He loves you, and He needs MONEY! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!

George Carlin