The AFA, a hate filled hate-speech promoting, religious organization, are asking for "Tax deductible" donations. Why do these morons still have tax exempt status. They promote a political agenda. In one breath they condemn "homosexual promotion" by Campbell's Soup company and in the next ask for a tax deductible donation.
I get their emails to snoop on them. Also so I can use their form to "send a letter" to these companies letting them know how much I appreciate them for standing up to the religious right. I used their "send a letter telling them how outraged you are" links several times to send a letter of thanks. I encourage every one to do this.
Its incredible, in an email dated 27th Nov. They accuse the "gays" of "launching a hate attack" on the Mormons.
Its pretty entertaining to read this stuff. If you can stomach it.
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