

True story:

A friend of mine does handy-man work. That's what he does on the side - in addition to being the maintenance guy at several office buildings around here.  He knows several people who were affected by the Nashville floods, and was willing to lend a hand with his handy-man skills. He quoted a woman in a local subdivision that had about 6 feet of water in the first floor house, a certain dollar amount, that was - we'll call it $1600. The only work to be done was dry wall replacement and prime painting. So materials for this job were relatively inexpensive and labor would add to that cost. The woman asked him to verify his cost because the other people whom she had gotten quotes from had quoted her twice that amount or more.
Turns out that some cunting asshole from Atlanta was scoping out work in this neighborhood, passing out business cards, sub contracting the work out to a sub contractor and collecting double the cash. How someone could see dollar signs in the wake of a tragedy is deplorable. I am sure you will see a story on WKRN soon about this greedy son of a bitch from Atlanta. I will try and get info on it and send it to WKRN myself.

They need to publicize this dickheads name and plaster his face all over the TV. There was already a post about scammers that doesn't go far enough.

I am extremely mad about out of towners coming in looking to collect some coin.