Otter box gives a satisfactory reply
Otterbox FAIL
HTC Incredible release date = 29 APR 2010
Apple iPhone 4 release date = 24 JUN 2010
Otterbox for Apple iPhone 4 = 1 AUG 2010
Otterbox for HTC Incredible = ????????????
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A friend of mine does handy-man work. That's what he does on the side - in addition to being the maintenance guy at several office buildings around here. He knows several people who were affected by the Nashville floods, and was willing to lend a hand with his handy-man skills. He quoted a woman in a local subdivision that had about 6 feet of water in the first floor house, a certain dollar amount, that was - we'll call it $1600. The only work to be done was dry wall replacement and prime painting. So materials for this job were relatively inexpensive and labor would add to that cost. The woman asked him to verify his cost because the other people whom she had gotten quotes from had quoted her twice that amount or more.
Turns out that some cunting asshole from Atlanta was scoping out work in this neighborhood, passing out business cards, sub contracting the work out to a sub contractor and collecting double the cash. How someone could see dollar signs in the wake of a tragedy is deplorable. I am sure you will see a story on WKRN soon about this greedy son of a bitch from Atlanta. I will try and get info on it and send it to WKRN myself.
They need to publicize this dickheads name and plaster his face all over the TV. There was already a post about scammers that doesn't go far enough.
I am extremely mad about out of towners coming in looking to collect some coin.
So that settles it then
Attention British people (and British Colonists)
The earliest citation given in the Oxford English Dictionary for any word used as a name for this element is alumium, which British chemist and inventor Humphry Davy employed in 1808 for the metal he was trying to isolate electrolytically from the mineral alumina. The citation is from the journal Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: "Had I been so fortunate as to have obtained more certain evidences on this subject, and to have procured the metallic substances I was in search of, I should have proposed for them the names of silicium, alumium, zirconium, and glucium."[47][48]
Davy had settled on aluminum by the time he published his 1812 book Chemical Philosophy: "This substance appears to contain a peculiar metal, but as yet Aluminum has not been obtained in a perfectly free state, though alloys of it with other metalline substances have been procured sufficiently distinct to indicate the probable nature of alumina."[49] But the same year, an anonymous contributor to the Quarterly Review, a British political-literary journal, in a review of Davy's book, objected to aluminum and proposed the name aluminium, "for so we shall take the liberty of writing the word, in preference to aluminum, which has a less classical sound."[50]
The -ium suffix conformed to the precedent set in other newly discovered elements of the time: potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium, and strontium (all of which Davy had isolated himself). Nevertheless, -um spellings for elements were not unknown at the time, as for example platinum, known to Europeans since the sixteenth century, molybdenum, discovered in 1778, and tantalum, discovered in 1802. The -um suffix is consistent with the universal spelling alumina for the oxide, as lanthana is the oxide of lanthanum, and magnesia, ceria, and thoria are the oxides of magnesium, cerium, and thorium respectively.
The spelling used throughout the 19th century by most U.S. chemists ended in -ium, but common usage is less clear.[51] The -um spelling is used in the Webster's Dictionary of 1828. In his advertising handbill for his new electrolytic method of producing the metal 1892, Charles Martin Hall used the -um spelling, despite his constant use of the -ium spelling in all the patents[44] he filed between 1886 and 1903.[52] It has consequently been suggested that the spelling reflects an easier to pronounce word with one fewer syllable, or that the spelling on the flier was a mistake. Hall's domination of production of the metal ensured that the spelling aluminum became the standard in North America; the Webster Unabridged Dictionary of 1913, though, continued to use the -ium version.
In 1926, the American Chemical Society officially decided to use aluminum in its publications; American dictionaries typically label the spelling aluminium as a British variant.
The name "aluminum" is derived from its status as a base of alum; "alum" in turn is a Latin word which literally means "bitter salt".[53]
So some douchebag decides that “aluminum” had a “less classical sound”. When the Humphry Davy himself published it as “Aluminum”.
Today's WTF!
I was reading my google reader this morning and a frequently read blog Nashvillest I came across a seriously F’d up story, and I am wondering WTF is going on. Firstly, the article is written very poorly leaving out many details. Let me dissect this one quickly.
Baby OK After Being Left In Oven
Man Charged With Wanton Endangerment
POSTED: 2:53 pm CDT March 16, 2010
UPDATED: 7:57 pm CDT March 16, 2010
PADUCAH, Ky. -- Authorities in western Kentucky say a man left his infant son in a cold oven, probably for a matter of hours.
The Paducah Sun reported 33-year-old Larry C. Long told police he had smoked marijuana at a Paducah restaurant where he works and then came home and drank alcohol.
Ok stop right there. This kind of information needs to be shown in the latter part of the article – and I suspect it’s a hit-piece on marijuana The more likely culprit for such stupidity is alcohol, he probably got mad at the baby crying and placed him in the oven, alcohol makes you do stupid things. Alcohol makes certain people aggressive. Pot doesn’t make people aggressive. I am speculating here but I don’t have much to go on based on the small amount of details in the story. Why is this even relevant? Why not report on the conditions of the home, living standards, past criminal record? Anything?
McCracken County Sheriff Jon Hayden said the mother of the 5-week-old boy was awakened by his cries Monday morning and found him the oven. Hayden said the baby was taken to a hospital where doctors found no injuries.
Information gap #2. WTF! The mother was awakened by his cries. WTF! Where was she all night? Was she working the night shift? No, it says she was “awakened”. This leads me to believe she was in the house when the baby was placed in the oven. Was she incapacitated? Who knows?
Long shares the home with the child's mother, 33-year-old Brandy S. Hatton.
The newspaper reported child welfare officials placed the infant and his 10- and 14-year-old siblings in the care of one of Hatton's relatives.
Long is charged with wanton endangerment.
So this leads me to believe the mother should also be charged with wanton endangerment. But of course we don’t hear a single word about her except she was awakened by the cries.
Awful writing and an awful story.
People who do not deserve to have kids - issue 6
by Alicia E. BarrĂ³n
Posted on January 13, 2010 at 5:01 PM
Updated yesterday at 10:15 AM
PHOENIX – A woman is accused of trying to trade her young daughter for a gun.
Maricopa County Sheriff’s deputies arrested 33-year-old Tanya Nareau for allegedly trying to trade her 2-year-old daughter for a gun.
Sheriff’s deputies were called to a home in the 9200 block of Apache Trail after receiving a tip that a woman gave her child away so that she could get a gun in exchange.
While at the home, deputies talked to a family friend who had the toddler and told deputies Nareau had traded her 2-year-old girl to him in exchange for a gun.
Nareau reportedly called the family friend and stated she still wanted the gun. The suspect reportedly also said the family friend would “do a better job in raising the child than she would.”
The suspect also told her friend she is unable to purchase a gun herself because she is prohibited by law to do so.
Nareau is at the Fourth Avenue Jail and faces charges of unlawful sale of a child and solicitation to commit possession of weapon by prohibited possessor.
This is just unreal.